News: Year 10
Year 10 Adventure Excursion!

This week our Year 10 students had an action-packed day at West Beach Adventure and Mini Golf.
Australian Music Examinations Board

Congratulations to Melanie Cavanagh University Senior College Year 10 student on achieving her Bronze Performance Award from the Australian Music Examinations Board.
The Bear

‘The Bear’ was Zoe’s a Year 10 student at University Senior College directorial debut and was part of her Exploring Identities and Future passion project. The play was executed wonderfully, with a cast of three. Zoe also made props to use on the stage and drew the artwork seen on the program. Zoe hoped audience members would ‘fall in love with Chekhov’s exploration of melodramatic audacity, comical emotional turmoil, and theatrical metamorphosis – just as she has’. And we did indeed!
Year 10s at Flinders University

The Year 10 cohort explored the Bedford Park and Tonsley campuses of Flinders University. Students went on tours of each campus and participated in various workshops with focuses on Electrical vs Electronic Engineering, Allied Health, Law and Archaeology.
LGBTQIA+ History Walk

USC Year 10 Society and Culture students were treated to stories around the history of gay liberation and struggle around Adelaide, and through The University of Adelaide in particular. The walk was conducted by prominent historian Will Sergeant.
Space School

Congratulations to University Senior College Year 10 student Claire Sweeny who was selected from around South Australia to take part in an intensive educational four-day residential conference experience. It highlighted the careers available in the Space Industry and Astronomy fields within the disciplines of physics, science and engineering at Adelaide, Flinders, and Uni SA Universities.
Adelaide Holocaust Museum and Steiner Centre

University Senior College Year 10 History classes visited the Adelaide Holocaust Museum and Steiner Centre.
[Read more about Adelaide Holocaust Museum and Steiner Centre]
Scoffed Cooking School

University Senior College Year 10 students recently went on excursions to Scoffed Cooking School and competed in a MasterChef-style cook-off against the other students in their mentor group. Students challenged themselves to develop their cooking skills and work as a team to produce various dishes, like sticky chicken noodles, chocolate mousse and risotto. Students really enjoyed the experience.
Life Drawing workshop

University Senior College Year 10 Visual Arts students recently engaged in a Life Drawing workshop at CDW Studios. Led by instructor Duncan Li, they received guidance on enhancing their observational skills and refining their figure drawing techniques. What an amazing experience!
West Beach Adventure Park

USC Year 10 students enjoyed a trip to West Beach Adventure Park and West Beach mini golf to start off the first few weeks at USC.