
Student speaking to staff member

The Wellbeing team at USC, consisting of School Psychologist and Counsellors, are dedicated to supporting all students' mental, emotional, and social health that encourages students to thrive both in and outside of the classroom.

We work particularly closely with the Principal, Deans of Student Experience, Learning Support Coordinator, Director of Academic Programs and Mentors to create a safe, supportive and inclusive environment that embodies our school values:

  • Mutual Respect
  • Trust and Integrity
  • Diversity and Inclusivity.
“The genuine care and respect shown by USC teachers is unmatched.” Ruby, Year 11 

In our role, we:

  • advocate for and support all student's learning and well-being needs e.g. develop Individualised Learning Plans (ILP’s)
  • offer counselling support for managing personal, relationship, family, academic issues
  • guide and refer students to appropriate external support and therapeutic services, including Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAHMS), Headspace, general practitioners, and Young Carers
  • liaise with external service providers and professionals (with appropriate consent)
  • act as mandated reporters of abuse and neglect
  • uphold student privacy and confidentiality within ethical and legal limits ensuring a safe and trusting environment for support
  • organise lunch-time clubs and wellbeing activities aimed at celebrating diversity and promoting a supportive and inclusive environment e.g Harmony Day, O-week Expo