Campus and Facilities

University Senior College is situated in the centre of the city of Adelaide, on the grounds of The University of Adelaide, with a specialised campus for Year 10, Arts and Drama at Gawler Place. View the campus map.
“The thing I love about USC is the independence and freedom it gives, allowing you to grow, study and learn in your own way, and at your own pace.” Josephine, Year 10
Jordan campus
Out recently refurbished facilities include:
Science laboratories with specialised rooms for Physics, Chemistry, Biology and a General Science room catering for all sciences including Psychology
Modern teaching spaces, complete with computer classrooms and collaborative student learning areas
A state-of-the-art lecture theatre for 50 students
Student kitchen facilities
Gawler Place campus
Our Gawler Place campus is just off North Terrace on Level 9 of the Parc Arcade building at 7-16 Gawler Place.
This campus is home to our Year 10s, the University Senior College Visual Arts, Drama facilities and features a large art and design space. An expansive drama space is used for drama lessons and rehearsals, as well as Adelaide Fringe performances and the annual Art and Design Exhibition. Our new Raw Space area is located on the ground floor of the Parc Arcade Carpark and is the home our Music programme.
The University of Adelaide
Our fantastic location in the heart of The University of Adelaide’s North Terrace campus means easy access to University facilities:
Lecture theatres: the majority of Year 12 lectures are held in the numerous lecture theatres on the North Terrace campus. Year 12 lectures are recorded and provided online to students.
Barr Smith Library: as a student you have borrowing rights, access to all computers and use of study spaces including the silent study room.
Student Hub: a range of eateries and collaboration/study spaces.
Adelaide Law School: the location of mock trials, and the seat of law learning in our state for more than a century.
Little Theatre: the home of the University of Adelaide’s Theatre Guild and a comfortable 120-seat theatre.
Schools and research hubs in Physics and Space science, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics: extension activities that take place right in the heart of cutting-edge research and University learning.
The information technology services provided for University students and staff are part of life at USC.
The fitness hub, clubs and facilities of Adelaide University Sport.
What better way to get a headstart on your University career?
North Terrace facilities
Studying in the heart of the educational and cultural precinct allows you to immerse yourself in the resources of the city you need most for your study. You’ll have access to:
- Magistrates Court of South Australia
- Art Gallery of South Australia
- State Library of South Australia
- Adelaide Botanical Gardens
- Jam Factory
- South Australian Museum
- Centre of Democracy
With two two-hour tutorial/lesson times, Year 10 and 11 students have ample time to experience these resources without causing disruption to their other classes.