Student Support

Our mentoring and well-being programs will support you to be the best version of you.

In order to learn and explore, we know you need to feel good about yourself and how you are managing your studies. That’s why we have programs that can support you, guide you and give you an avenue to find solutions to any issue that may arise.

With our support you’ll do better than good. You’ll thrive.

“We carry immeasurable gratitude for our Year 12 mentors for consistently checking in on us with a cup of coffee in hand. Together with the teachers and staff, they have worked tirelessly behind the scenes to build a reassuring support network at school, while maintaining a sense of normalcy.”Savannah, Year 12 student


Your study at USC includes having a mentor and a trusted person to talk with. Being an independent learner doesn’t mean going it alone.

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The right option for your career might be right in front of you or something you haven’t discovered yet. Our career guidance will help you discover the possibilities ahead. 

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Your well-being is important, and our counsellors are available to you and your family.

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Student Agency

As an adult learning environment, the school actively seeks to provide all students with the platform and opportunities to flourish and to embrace our mission – to inspire, empower and nurture lifelong learning.

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