Printing at USC

USC students have access to wireless printing to the printers on each level on the Jordan Building and on level 9 in Gawler Place. This doesn't include printing in the Hub or on any University printers.

Follow the steps below to install the software to allow wireless printing.

Connect your device to the UofA wireless network.

  • Windows

    1. http://uscprint02:9163/client-setup/known-host/windows.html.
    2. Once the webpage has opened, click the green “Download” button.
    3. When it has downloaded, click on the download to run the Mobility Print installer
    4. Select the language then click OK.
    5. Read and Accept the License Agreement, the click Next.
    6. ONLY Select the USC-RICOH-FOLLOW-YOU [uscprint02], then click on Next.
    7. Enter your username which is your ‘s number’ and password which is the 4 digit number you were provided with on your sticker at orientation. Click Next.
    8. When installation is completed, click Finish.
  • Mac

    1. http://uscprint02:9163/client-setup/known-host/macos.html.
    2. Once the webpage has opened, click the green “Download” button.
    3. When it has downloaded, click on the download to run the Mobility Print installer, then you can move to bin
    4. Install as requested and agree to the user conditions
    5. Enter your devices username and password to complete the install.
    6. Open the document you want to print, select the USC-RICOH-FOLLOW-YOU [uscprint02].
    7. When you click Print, you will be asked to authenticate with your ‘s number’ and your 4 digit copier password.