News: Research Project
Research Project

The Research Project is a SACE requirement undertaken by every student in the state. At USC, students undertake the project across a single semester in Year 11 (generally). For 2023, the results showed excellent achievement for our students.
Research Project Results 2022

With an incredible 55% of students achieving in the A band, students at University Senior College have continued to chose interesting and unique topics for their Research Projects and make great use of the resources and teachers around them to help facilitate greater knowledge acquisition and skills refinement .
Georgia's interview with President and CEO of Arctic Canadian Diamond Mines

Congratulations to Georgia McLeod, Year 12 student at University Senior College, on her recent success in gaining an interview with Rory Moore, President and CEO of Arctic Canadian Diamond Mines, for her Earth and Environmental Science topic, 'Earth’s Resources.'
[Read more about Georgia's interview with President and CEO of Arctic Canadian Diamond Mines]
Research Project

USC students, who generally undertake the Research Project in Year 11, received truly excellent results when the subject was resulted in July this year. A total of 189 students were enrolled and 57.4% of them achieved in the A band. A+ was awarded to 21% of students who demonstrated a particularly high level of self-directed and thoughtful research. In addition, four students were awarded a ‘perfect’ score, namely Amelie Ballestrin, Teresa Bueti, Artemis Bishop and Vraj Petal.