Georgia's interview with President and CEO of Arctic Canadian Diamond Mines

Congratulations to Georgia McLeod, Year 12 student at University Senior College, on her recent success in gaining an interview with Rory Moore, President and CEO of Arctic Canadian Diamond Mines, for her Earth and Environmental Science topic, 'Earth’s Resources.' Georgia found interviewing Rory Moore to be very helpful for her assignment. He gave her an in-depth understanding of both the old and the new environmentally friendlier diamond mining methods at Ekati Diamond Mine in Canada’s Northwest Territories. He also described the collaboration between the local indigenous community and the benefits the mine provides to them.
Georgia learned that implementing the new mining method will extend the life of the diamond mine. Interviewing Rory Moore, CEO of Arctic Canadian Diamond Mines, opened Georgia's mind to the world of diamond mining. Her initiative to source an interview via video meeting was encouraged by the skills she developed through her Research Project in Year 11 at University Senior College. This is a great example of student agency, which is fostered through University Senior College's adult learning environment.