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USC Old Scholar: Amber Brock-Fabel

Student at conference

Amber Brock-Fabel, University Senior College Graduate in 2022 was in Canberra recently appearing before the National Committee into Civics Education, Engagement and Participation. She described it as, ‘A cool opportunity to advocate for more opportunities for adequate and accessible civic resources and education for all young people as well as advocated for how teachers equipped with the right knowledge, can completely change lives.’ Congratulations Amber!

[Read more about USC Old Scholar: Amber Brock-Fabel]

LGBTQIA+ History Walk

Students on excursion

USC Year 10 Society and Culture students were treated to stories around the history of gay liberation and struggle around Adelaide, and through The University of Adelaide in particular. The walk was conducted by prominent historian Will Sergeant.

[Read more about LGBTQIA+ History Walk]

Hallett Cove Geological Excursion

Students on excursion

USC Stage 1 Earth and Environmental Science students recently explored the geological wonders of Hallett Cove, South Australia—an incredible site spanning over 600 million years of Earth's history.

[Read more about Hallett Cove Geological Excursion]

29th National Schools Constitutional Convention

Student at event

University Senior College Year 12 student, Archie Grant participated in the 29th National Schools Constitutional Convention (NSCC).

[Read more about 29th National Schools Constitutional Convention]

Budget Breakfast with the School of Economics and Public Policy

Michael Jacobsen and Professor Fiona Yap, Head of School of Economics and Public Policy

On Wednesday 15 May University Senior College, Economics Teachers Michael Jacobsen and Chiao Wang attended a the Budget Breakfast hosted by University of Adelaide School of Economics and Public Policy (SEPP).

[Read more about Budget Breakfast with the School of Economics and Public Policy]

Reserve Bank of Australia Presentation

Students at event

Reserve Bank of Australia Economic Analysis Department Senior representatives Jonathan Kemp (Adelaide Office) and Marion Kohler (Sydney Office) gave a presentation to approximately 150 Year 12 Economics students and teachers from 12 South Australian schools about the functions and roles of the RBA and presented a summary of the key points of the recent May 2024 RBA Statement of Monetary Policy. Following the presentation there was a great Q&A session where students could ask their questions and receive answers from highly qualifies and experienced RBA Economists. The event was held in the Scott Theatre of The University of Adelaide.

[Read more about Reserve Bank of Australia Presentation]

James Webb Space Telescope

Students with Professor Gavin Rowell

Professor Gavin Rowell from The University of Adelaide provided firsthand insights on James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) to the University Senior College students. 

[Read more about James Webb Space Telescope]

USCOSA Mentoring Session

Students at Mentoring

USC Old Scholars returned for a mentoring session for Year 11 students to offer their insights on the topic ‘Planning for major assessments and Semester Exams’. Our students value enormously listening to the wisdom our Old Scholars share with them about what they learned from their USC experience and then transitioning into university life. Each year we have approximately thirty Old Scholars who return to be involved in Mentoring sessions throughout the year.

[Read more about USCOSA Mentoring Session]

Parent Night on Respectful Adults with Andrew Lines

Parents at event

Andrew Lines focused on the 5 keys to creating a responsible, respectful adult at our parent evening held in the Braggs Lecture Theatre on Tuesday 28 May. The session provided parents with a template of simple suggestions for deliberate, conscious parenting and a framework for helping grow our children into responsible young adults

[Read more about Parent Night on Respectful Adults with Andrew Lines]

Space School

Student at conference

Congratulations to University Senior College Year 10 student Claire Sweeny who was selected from around South Australia to take part in an intensive educational four-day residential conference experience. It highlighted the careers available in the Space Industry and Astronomy fields within the disciplines of physics, science and engineering at Adelaide, Flinders, and Uni SA Universities.

[Read more about Space School]

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