Visual Effects and Entertainment extension studies program

For the first time this year, University Senior College is proud to offer an extension studies program in the field of Visual Effects and Entertainment Design in partnership with Flinders University and CDW Studios.

This program gives Year 12 students the chance to complete two Flinders University topics and learn directly from industry professionals with Flinders and CDW Studios. Successful completion of both topics will help the students develop a competitive portfolio for entry into the Bachelor of Creative Arts (Visual Effects and Entertainment Design), as well as credits towards the first year of the degree, helping students transition smoothly into university study for better learning outcomes and career prospects.

This year five brave students have taken on this challenge and their semester one work is on view at the SALA Art show at the RAW gallery in Gawler Place. We congratulate these students on their excellent results, all having achieved a Credit or above in their very first semesters work at a university level.

Tagged in Art & Design