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A Year in Review

Students in class

Take a look at a snapshot of what happened in 2021 at USC!

[Read more about A Year in Review]

Earth and Environmental Science in the Science Olympiad

University Senior College Year 12 student, Samantha Vallance, who achieved a High Distinction in Earth and Environmental Science in the Science Olympiad in 2021 attended the Earth and Environmental Science Olympiad Summer School in January 2022. Samantha has completed Stage 1 competition and Stage 2 was the attendance in the Australian Science Olympiads Summer School.

[Read more about Earth and Environmental Science in the Science Olympiad]

USC students selected for the SACE Art Show!

Student Artwork

Congratulations to Miles Potter, Hilary Swanson, Riordan Cassidy and a student’s name withheld, whose Art and Design work has been chosen for the SACE Art Show. 

[Read more about USC students selected for the SACE Art Show!]

USC Old Scholars one year on

University Senior College Old Scholars share their experiences one year on after graduating.

[Read more about USC Old Scholars one year on]

Remote Learning in Physics

University Senior College, Physics Teacher, Zahra Pirvali explained concepts in Projectile Motion to the Year 12 Physics cohort in a Zoom lecture. The main question in the Zoom lecture was, “In the absence of air resistance, which one hits the ground first? A fast bullet fired horizontally from a gun, or a bullet simply dropped from the same height simultaneously?”

[Read more about Remote Learning in Physics]

USC Year 11 Mock Trial

The University Senior College Year 11 Legal Studies Mock Trial Team won Round 1 of the Law Society’s Mock Trial Competition against Harvest Christian School on 8 March. University Senior College was representing the Defendant, Charlie Bowman, who was being sued in negligence for a car accident that occurred on a roundabout. The University Senior College Team successfully persuaded the judge to dismiss the claim against the Defendant and also won the round by 10 points.

[Read more about USC Year 11 Mock Trial]

Let us be the voice of our state’s future

Students on campus

Two Year 12 University Senior College students, Tabitha Stephenson-Jones and Qezia Baiq were pictured in the Advertiser on Monday 7 February 2022 promoting the state government’s ground-breaking
state-wide “super student representative council” for young people in
Years 10,11 and 12.

[Read more about Let us be the voice of our state’s future]

Visual Arts Exhibition

Art and Design Expo pieces

The 2021 University Senior College Visual Arts Exhibition showcased the work of our extremely talented and creative Year 12 students.

[Read more about Visual Arts Exhibition]

Year 12 Graduation 2021

University Senior College Year 12 Graduation Dinner was held on Friday 3 December at the Adelaide Convention Centre for our Graduating Class of 2021 and their families. It was a wonderful community celebration acknowledging our students achievements for 2021. Professor Peter Hoj AC, Vice-Chancellor of The University of Adelaide was our guest speaker, Sebastien Skubala delivered the Valedictory Speech and Zheng Yao (Alex) Cai &Yangyang (Yang) Zhong delivered the International Reflection. The Principal’s address was also memorable. Congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2021.

[Read more about Year 12 Graduation 2021]

Alice in Wonderland

University Senior College Year 10 students spent ten weeks in creative pursuits across all of the Arts disciplines in preparation for their production of Alice in Wonderland. This classic favourite was adapted and reimagined for a modern audience by student, Ember McBryde, who also performed as Alice 1.

[Read more about Alice in Wonderland]

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