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An Emerging Vision - USC Art & Design Student SALA Exhibition

The An Emerging Vision exhibition features selected works by USC Art and Design students.
[Read more about An Emerging Vision - USC Art & Design Student SALA Exhibition]
Walk a Mile in My Boots

A team of University Senior College staff and students pledged to walk and collect donations to support Hutt Street’s cause to end homelessness in South Australia.
Titration Competition

We ran the Titration Competition this year at University Senior College and seven teams of Year 12 Chemistry students competed in Term 2 in the school-based competition.
Year 10 English

USC Year 10 English students got their cameras out to put their studies on camera angles and techniques into practise. Students were provided a short synopsis of a story close to every student’s heart: getting homework in on time! They planned out their shots on a story board, working with different angles, and then went out into the field to put together their interpretation on this classic tale. Students were directors, photographers, and actors, choosing angles, guiding actors, and seeking out the perfect shot.
Year 11 Biology
Students in Year 11 Biology designed enclosures to build skills in deconstructing complex problems to design an experiment to test the hypothesis they created. Slaters were placed in enclosures and their environmental preferences were determined.
USC Year 11 Chemistry

USC Year 11 Chemistry students investigated several concepts such as miscibility, buoyancy, collision theory just to name a few in the one experiment. The approach here puts familiar concepts into new contexts to enhance the student’s problem-solving skills.
SACES Economics Briefing Luncheon 2023

On Monday 24th July a small group Economics students and teachers attended an Economics Briefing and Luncheon hosted by the South Australian Centre for Economics Studies. The event was held in ‘The Ballroom’ of the Intercontinental Hotel on North Terrace with Economists from the many Corporate Member organisations in attendance to be briefed by Executive Director Jim Hancock on the current economic conditions in South Australia, Australia and Internationally.
Mid-year Year 11 Students Orientation

In June the mid-year intake of new Year 11 students to University Senior College for Semester 2 spent the day at their new school for Orientation. The day included tours of the University Senior College Jordan Building and Gawler Place campuses, The Hub, Barr-Smith Library, as well as spending time with Year 11 Dean of Student Experience David Place and Year 11 Mentoring Support Michael Jacobsen to learn about the school; and get their IT access and devices set-up and ID photos taken. Many thanks to Michelle, Penny, and Lisa for their help on the day with our newest Year 11 students!