The Australian Science Olympiads

The Australian Science Olympiads program is the ultimate science challenge for any Science student. It is a rewarding opportunity tailored for Year 11 students to stretch themselves way beyond school science through challenging exams, stimulating residential programs and international competitions in Physics, Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Science and Biology. Therefore, to be selected to represent Australia at the International Science Olympiad and to be able to compete against the world's best in Science, sitting the Australian Science Olympiad Exams is the first step.
This year thirteen students, across all Science strands, a total of twenty one entries, decided to embrace this challenge. Some students sat more than one exam. Our students achieved 5 distinctions in Physics, 1 High Distinction, 1 Distinction, 2 Credits in Chemistry, 2 Credits in Biology and 1 High Distinction in Earth and Environmental Science. Well done everyone!