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Knitting and Crochet Club

Students in class

In Term 2 members of the USC community were invited to join a knitting and crochet club. Students, staff and community members made a commitment to make scarves, beanies or gloves for people living rough in South Australia. What a great effort!

[Read more about Knitting and Crochet Club]

The Human Interdependence Project

Students in class

This year, YEE Education and Association of Independent Schools of South Australia continue their groundbreaking pilot of the Human Interdependence Project (HIP).

[Read more about The Human Interdependence Project]

Formal 2024: Under the Night Sky

Students at event

The 2024 USC Formal was held at the Convention Centre on Friday 10 May. The theme was ‘Under the night sky’, and all enjoyed the fabulous red-carpet entrance and decorations. A great time was had by all who attended. Thank you to the Formal Committee on a fantastic night.

[Read more about Formal 2024: Under the Night Sky]

Naracoorte Caves Camp

Students on camp

Year 11 USC Earth and Environmental Science students had an incredible 2-night camp at the Naracoorte Caves!

[Read more about Naracoorte Caves Camp]

St Vinnie’s CEO Sleepout 2024

USC Principal Anita Zocchi at Vinnie’s CEO Sleepout

Thank you once again for supporting me to fundraise for the Vinnie’s CEO Sleepout. I have taken part in this event for ten years now and this experience really allows me to reflect how vulnerable people must feel out there night after night.

[Read more about St Vinnie’s CEO Sleepout 2024]

Burger Day

Students at event

USC students enjoyed a burger for lunch which was cooked by the Deans after their Mentoring session. They all enjoyed catching up with others from across all year levels on the Johnson Lawns behind USC’s Jordan Building.  

[Read more about Burger Day]

Pompeii, Herculaneum and Sourdough

Teacher in class

In USC Year 11 Ancient Studies the class have been looking at Pompeii and Herculaneum with a particular focus on bread and bakeries right now.

[Read more about Pompeii, Herculaneum and Sourdough]

World Challenge: Borneo

Student on trip

Year 10 and 11 students, accompanied by David Place and Elly Pfitzner, endeavoured on the adventure of a lifetime to Borneo on a World Challenge trip at the end of 2023. The students went on this trip to develop their leadership skills, resilience, cross-cultural understanding, and awareness of conservation practices.

[Read more about World Challenge: Borneo]

‘Murder on the Dancefloor’ Forensic Investigation

Students in class

University Senior College Year 11 Biology students recently engaged in an exciting forensic investigation, themed ‘Murder on the Dancefloor’, following their formal event. 

[Read more about ‘Murder on the Dancefloor’ Forensic Investigation]

Australian of the Year Awards Luncheon 2024

Winners of the Australian of the Year Luncheon 2024

Ten University Senior College students and staff attended the Australian of the Year Awards Luncheon at the Adelaide Convention Centre held on Friday 21 June 2024.

[Read more about Australian of the Year Awards Luncheon 2024]

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