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USC Annual Music Concert - All Welcome
On Wednesday 18 September, University Senior College musicians will gather at Scots Church for our Annual Music Concert.
International Students Visit the Fleurieu Peninsula
This week our newest group of International students enjoyed a 2-day camp, exploring their new South Australian ‘backyards’.
[Read more about International Students Visit the Fleurieu Peninsula]
From the Principal - June
Principal, Anita Zocchi, reflects on a productive Term 2 at University Senior College.
USC Newsletter - Term 2
Keep up to date with what's been happening at USC in Term 2, 2019.
Year 12 Drama Production
USC’s Year 12 Drama students recently performed two plays at the University of Adelaide’s Little Theatre.
World's Greatest Shave
This week some brave USC staff and students coloured or shaved their hair as part of the Leukaemia Foundation’s ‘World’s Greatest Shave’.
From the Principal - March
USC Principal, Anita Zocchi, reflects on a busy first half of Term One, 2019.
Harmony Day
USC recently came together to celebrate our community's cultural diversity.
Push the Pedal Walking Club
USC's ‘Push the Pedal Walking Club’ is promoting valuable exercise and physical fitness
Intensive English Overnight Trip
USC International staff members recently took the Semester 1 Intensive English students on an overnight trip to the South Coast.