USC Debating Team

The University Senior College Debating team has thoroughly enjoyed partaking in the SADA statewide debating competition this year. The team is made up of students from Year 11 and Year 12, all of whom are passionate, enthusiastic critical thinkers and public speakers. Having started in early Term 1, the group was well practiced in time for their first debate on the 12th of May. This and subsequent debates offered students an opportunity not only to engage in the topic ‘That we regret the decision forcing social media outlets to negotiate and reimburse the traditional media’, but also to meet and interact with like-minded students from around the state.
The team has also been incredibly fortunate to be aided at times by Shiva Mukherjee, the South Australian debating team coach, and an enthusiastic part of the debating community. His support is largely due to the fact that he studies in proximity to the school, being a student at the University of Adelaide.
This fun, but challenging, activity is an opportunity the students have been grateful to receive, allowing them to expand their critical thinking and logical reasoning capabilities, skills that will aid them all the way through their studies and future careers.
The debating team is eager to continue and expand into further years, and would love to see larger engagement from more students that would like to give debating a try.
Archie Goodson
Year 11 Student