Budget Breakfast with the School of Economics and Public Policy

Michael Jacobsen and Professor Fiona Yap, Head of School of Economics and Public Policy

On Wednesday 15 May University Senior College, Economics Teachers Michael Jacobsen and Chiao Wang attended a the Budget Breakfast hosted by University of Adelaide School of Economics and Public Policy (SEPP). The event featured a panel of experts from SEPP providing their analysis and insights of the 2024 May Federal Budget. This inaugural event comprising a 50-minute presentation and the follow up Q&A was a great experience for Michael and Chiao who were put in a room with a group of approximately 30 Economists representing a variety of organisations across Adelaide.

Their analysis and insights were very interesting and informative. These Economists are the ‘next level’, and USC hopes to be a part of this event again in 2025.

Tagged in Economics, UofA