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USC O'Week Expo 2024

[Read more about USC O'Week Expo 2024]

Adelaide Holocaust Museum and Steiner Centre

Students on excursion

University Senior College Year 10 History classes visited the Adelaide Holocaust Museum and Steiner Centre.

[Read more about Adelaide Holocaust Museum and Steiner Centre]

USC Parent Night, Term 1

Parents at event

University Senior College Parent Night for Years 10, 11 and 12 focused on unlocking the keys to navigating youth, alcohol, and parties. Parents heard about how to foster open dialogue, implement effective parenting strategies, and positively influence their child’s choices. Parents were empowered with essential insights to guide their young one’s journey responsibly.

[Read more about USC Parent Night, Term 1]

National Student Leadership Summit 2024

Students at event

The National Student Leadership Summit (NSLS) brought together students from schools across the nation to foster leadership skills and exchange ideas.

[Read more about National Student Leadership Summit 2024]

USC Parent Welcome Drinks 2024

Parents at event

Parent Welcome Drinks was a wonderful night of food, music, and a great chance to meet staff in an informal setting on the Johnson Lawns. 

[Read more about USC Parent Welcome Drinks 2024]

USC Visual Arts and Design Exhibition 2023

Students at event

[Read more about USC Visual Arts and Design Exhibition 2023]

USC Year 11 Student Reflections 2023

Students on campus

Hear what the students have to say about their Year 11 experience.

[Read more about USC Year 11 Student Reflections 2023]

USC Year 12 Graduation 2023 Highlights

Students at event

See the highlights of the Year 12 Graduation 2023.

[Read more about USC Year 12 Graduation 2023 Highlights]

USC Principal Goals 2024

[Read more about USC Principal Goals 2024]

Principal Podcast #3

USC Chat with the Principal Podcast

The USC Chat with the Principal Podcasts are aimed to provide one on one interviews to engage the audience with key insights and learnings about University Senior College.

[Read more about Principal Podcast #3]

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