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USC Visual Arts

USC Visual Arts students had the opportunity to develop an understanding of the very challenging, but fundamental skill of perspective in situ on North Terrace. The opportunity to draw some of the most stunning buildings in Adelaide is indeed a privilege and tested the students’ patience and skills.
Life Drawing workshop

University Senior College Year 10 Visual Arts students recently engaged in a Life Drawing workshop at CDW Studios. Led by instructor Duncan Li, they received guidance on enhancing their observational skills and refining their figure drawing techniques. What an amazing experience!
Meet the Mentor Night

USC Year 11 and 12 Meet the Mentor Night was a great night where parents/caregivers could meet and build a connection with their child’s Mentor for 2024
Merit Lunch 2024

University Senior College welcomed back on Friday 16 February their 2023 Merit winners and Headstart High Distinction achievers for a congratulatory lunch and photo for those who were able to attend. We wish them all the very best as they transition into their chosen pathways and look forward to staying connected as USC Old Scholars.