The Wellbeing Barometer Survey

Irrespective of whether your community has experienced many lockdowns or not, the pandemic has touched all of us and impacted families everywhere in some way. Whether it is our ability to participate in special celebrations or travel to visit loved ones, it has proven to be a difficult time - for some more than others.
During this period, SchoolTV has provided families and schools with much needed guidance and information to help support young people. However, the social, economic and psychological impacts over the coming months remain uncertain. Mental health concerns are on the rise, and it is evident that many young people may need some extra support.
To assist your school, we are seeking participation in a short anonymous & aggregated survey. It is intended to act as a barometer on the wellbeing of young people within your community. Since the start of the pandemic, many students have faced adversities and been challenged on many levels. Some parents have reported that their child’s mental health had changed or worsened due to the effects of the pandemic. However, ensuring the mental health and wellbeing of our young people is important for many reasons, one of which is the direct impact it has on educational outcomes.
We encourage all parents and carers to complete the survey below. The information gathered will help your school gauge the state of student wellbeing and enable them to discover where further assistance may be required by focussing on some of the key issues.