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Year 10s at Flinders University

The Year 10 cohort explored the Bedford Park and Tonsley campuses of Flinders University. Students went on tours of each campus and participated in various workshops with focuses on Electrical vs Electronic Engineering, Allied Health, Law and Archaeology.
'Recession or Depression' Breakfast

University Senior College Stage 2 Economics students had the incredible opportunity to attend the AmCham 'Recession or Depression' Breakfast at The Playford Hotel Ballroom.
Disrupt, Invent, Persist Exhibition

USC Year 11 Politics class attended the Disrupt, Invent, Persist Exhibition currently touring around the country. The exhibition has been released from the national archives and showcases Australian organisations, movements and individuals that contributed to civic change and pushing our country forward. It also highlighted the power of the every say citizen to get involved and be a part of change.
Year 12 Jumpers

USC Year 12 students were very excited to receive their Year 12 hoodies, rugby tops and varsity jackets. They feel proud to represent USC by wearing their jumper and it is a great way of signifying their last year at school.