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Year 11 Chemistry
University Senior College Year 11 Chemistry students investigating the reducing ability of the sugar glucose that is present in Chupa Chups to reveal the different coloured oxidation states of manganese. Agitation and the creation of a vortex is a necessary component of the experiment to allow the chemical reactants to collide with sufficient energy.
USC Parent Podcast

The USC Parent Podcast series has been created by University Senior College to provide relevant topics for parents to assist them to support their child’s wellbeing and learning environment. To listen to our first podcast, click on the button below.
Year 10 History

University Senior College Year 10 History students were immersed in a courtroom role play scenario which challenged them to explore various types of evidence, for or against, the use of the atomic bomb in 1945.
Year 10 Business and Economics

University Senior College Year 10 Business and Economics students developed social enterprises to address some of the UN Sustainable Development issues.
Art and Design Exhibition 2023

In October University Senior College held the annual Art and Design Exhibition to showcase the innovative work our Year 12 students.
Mathematics Competition 2023

Interested University Senior College students sought further challenge in several competitions during 2023. Fifteen students from University Senior College completed the Hamann School Mathematics Competition for Society of Petroleum Engineers in Term 1. Eighteen students from all three-year levels competed in the Australian Mathematics Competition.
Australian Science Olympiads 2023

The Australian Science Olympiads program is the ultimate science challenge for any Science student.
Year 12 Graduation Dinner 2023

University Senior College Year 12 Graduation Dinner was held on Wednesday 6 December at the Adelaide Convention Centre for our Graduating Class of 2023 and their families. It was a wonderful community celebration acknowledging our students’ achievements for 2023. Mr Callum MacPherson, Founder of Young Blood Media was our guest speaker and Anjali Beames delivered the Valedictory Speech. The Principal’s address was also memorable. Congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2023.
Year 10 End of Year Excursion

USC Year 10s joined together for an end of year excursion that included badminton, basketball, and table tennis at Pridham Hall followed by a train trip to tenpin bowling. It was relaxing and fun way to celebrate the end of their first year at USC.