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USC Year 12 Graduation Dinner
University Senior College Year 12 Graduation 2022 held at the Adelaide Convention Centre for our Graduating Class of 2022 and their families. It was a wonderful community celebration acknowledging our students’ achievements for 2022. Her Excellency the Honourable Frances Adamson AC was our guest speaker and Teresa Bueti delivered the Valedictory Speech. Congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2022.
USC Drama
Year 12 Drama, as part of their studies of professional devised theatre, attended “Something in the Water” as part of the Adelaide Fringe. This personally inspired absurdist piece presents the issue of Gender Diversity in a hilarious yet thought provoking parable, created by Scantily Glad, an independent Canadian theatre company. Our students were also able to participate in a devising workshop with the creator of the show, Grumms, which explored their creative process, and how our students can devise theatre to challenge and change.
Australian Space Agency

University Senior College Year 10 STEM students took a day trip to the Australian Space Agency at Lot 14.
USC Showcase 2023

The 2023 USC Showcase, presented as part of the Adelaide Fringe, was great night, celebrating the varied talents of the USC community.
Scoffed Cooking School

University Senior College Year 10 students attended Scoffed Cooking School in their mentor groups to participate in a MasterChef-style cook off. Students from Elly Pfitzner’s mentor group cooked some delicious Pad Thai with banana fritters for dessert.
Behind the Lines Exhibition

University Senior College Year 12 Politics excursion went to the Behind the Lines exhibition of political cartoons from 2022.The exhibition is curated by MoAD. The exhibition theme, Off the Planet, reflects on a year where lockdowns ended and borders opened, and we burst out from our living rooms eager to discover what more was out there. While life was starting to return to some sort of normality, Australians still felt uncertainty.
Year 11 Biology

USC Year 11 Biology class did the potato practical, where they investigated how size impacts the rate of movement of water and provide evidence to explain why cells are so small. By changing the surface area to volume ratio students were able to determine that smaller cubes had a greater percent of their mass lost compared to larger cubes.
International Women’s Breakfast 2023

University Senior College students and staff attended the International Women’s Breakfast at the Adelaide Convention Centre on Friday 10 March. This year’s Guest Speaker was Ambassador Caroline Kennedy U.S Ambassador to Australia and the host was the Honourable Senator Penny Wong. The breakfast Master of Ceremonies was Sonya Feldhoff. #crackingthecode #iwd2023 #inspiring
Governors Civics Award
Congratulations to USC 2022 Graduates Anika Bruin and Mia Jarvis, who were both awarded a Governors Civics Award in the SACE category. Anika and Mia were two students of only eight from across the state that received the award in a ceremony at Government House earlier this year.
USC Bake Sale

The USC Student Representative Council held a Bake Sale on Monday 20 March in support of the Australia and New Zealand Sarcoma Association. The Bake Sale took place in The University of Adelaide Hub and the SRC managed to raise more than double of their goal with support from the USC and The University of Adelaide community. The total of funds raised was $650.