Student Agency at USC Update

From the excitement associated with the arrival of the 2021 Year 12 hoodies and jackets, to student involvement in a range of fundraising initiatives, Year 10s participating in Workplace Learning, students participating in Mock UN Forums, Debating, Mooting and social justice issues that interest them, Student Agency has been alive and well at USC again this term.
In addition to this we have also seen students actively participate in lunchtime Student Voice, Knitting and Crocheting, Tinker Thinker Maker Space and Music activities, to name just a few. Term Two commenced with the 2021 USC Student Charter being placed around the College buildings, as a reminder for all students of their collective commitment to being individual agents of their own learning and to uphold the USC values: personal integrity, mutual respect and diversity.
As part of our ongoing participation in the AISSA Student Agency project it has been a pleasure to share with other member schools in the third year of our involvement in the project, just how integral and dynamic student agency is within the College. At a recent workshop it was a pleasure to share this through a presentation which also included two short videos, the first featuring some staff and students talking about their experience with student agency during the course of 2020 and the second, featuring our 2021 Real News at USC anchors, Bas and Teresa. Their interviews with several students who attended the 2021 UN Youth Forum, with its focus on Global Health, were insightful, entertaining and a wonderful example of student voice and opportunity at USC.
Tim Agnew
Deputy Principal