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USC Semester 2 Newsletter

Check out what's been happening in our College community. The Semester 2 Newsletter is available to view now.
Congratulations USC 2020 Graduates
Council and staff are delighted to announce the excellent South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) results achieved by the University Senior College Class of 2020. The students and their families can feel proud that their hard work and dedication has generated wonderful outcomes.
USC Year 12 graduation ceremony
The USC Year 12 graduation ceremony was live streamed from the Scott Theatre on Thursday 3 December.
Due to the announcement made by the Premier of South Australia today regarding the six day closure of all schools as of midnight tonight regarding COVID-19. Anita Zocchi, Principal has addressed the students in Years 10 and 11 and has asked them to go home immediately to avoid congestion on public transport. We recognise there may be essential workers within your family and we are currently working through a process which will be communicated to all families later today via email. If you have any concerns please email Anita Zocchi, Principal
Congratulations USC Research Project students

Congratulations University Senior College Research Project students on their outstanding results.
[Read more about Congratulations USC Research Project students]
Semester 1 Newsletter

Check out what's been happening in our College community. The Semester 1 Newsletter is available to view now.
Apple World Wide Developers Conference - Swift Student Challenge 2020

Congratulations to Euan Traynor on winning the prestigious Apple World Wide Developers Conference - Swift Student Challenge 2020.
[Read more about Apple World Wide Developers Conference - Swift Student Challenge 2020]
Parent Night – Surviving the Senior Years of Education - Rescheduled
USC invites parents and caregivers to attend our rescheduled parent information webinar featuring clinical psychologist, Dr Tom Nehmy, on Wednesday 24 June.
[Read more about Parent Night – Surviving the Senior Years of Education - Rescheduled]
Latest Information - COVID-19

The Coronavirus situation is changing rapidly. Stay up-to-date with the latest information about the steps being taken to slow the spread.