From the Principal - June
Students and staff participating in ‘PJ and Onesie day’, in support of the Vinnies CEO Sleepout.
Our Term 2 newsletter will reach you just as the Year 11’s are commencing their second semester at USC and our Year 12’s continue to work on their assignments and head towards mid-year examinations. As a school focused on assisting young people to reach their potential, we are working to support student’s
academic progress while also providing opportunities for them to develop a range of personal skills and capabilities.
At the conclusion of the Semester One examinations, the Year 11 students were involved in a two day program, with activities centred on PERMA+ (Positive Emotion, Engagement, Resilience, Meaning and Accomplishment) and future pathways with the University of Adelaide. These activities are designed to support students along their academic journey but are not intended to be finite in themselves. As we know, practising PERMA+ is not always easy but it is a useful framework designed to maintain positive mental health. We hope that students revisit these concepts in the future. As a school we revise these concepts with our students over time in the hope that practising PERMA+ becomes more natural to them. I share this with you in the hope that we are able to reinforce to young people that strategies such as PERMA+ are designed to be used in everyday life.
This term I have worked to develop empathy in myself and in others through my involvement in the Vinnies CEO Sleepout. I wanted to draw our community’s attention to a group in our society who are doing it tough on a daily basis. Being located in the city, USC staff and students see firsthand those who sleep out on the street night after night. For the last 5 years, I have participated in the CEO Sleepout. Since joining USC, students and staff here have helped me raise awareness and funds with activities such as our annual ‘PJ and Onesie Day’. It is fundamental for a healthy society to have the ability to think of others less fortunate than themselves. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the USC community for donating to the cause.
As we head towards the Term 2 holidays I hope that students are able to rest and recuperate, and then bring some attention to their goals. Reflecting on personal achievement is important and essential for individual wellbeing. Likewise, planning for future steps is also beneficial to provide direction and drive. Balance in both of these areas is critical in order to keep things in perspective and USC is here to assist our students to become the best version of themselves.