Harmony Day

Girl Painting at Harmony Day

We celebrated Harmony Day earlier this week at USC. Harmony Day is an annual event where communities come together to celebrate their cultural diversity. The day is about inclusivity, respect and belonging. 
Staff and students bought plates of food to share with their fellow members of the USC community. Particularly, they were asked to bring along a dish that represented their own culture.
During the lunchtime students were also invited to join in some other cultural activities such as dancing the Zorba, playing Bocce and making paper origami cranes.
We also observed a minute silence as a mark of respect for those affected by the recent New Zealand tragedy. If you are concerned that your son or daughter may be experiencing grief and/or trauma about the New Zealand mosque attack, this article provides some relevant and useful suggestions about discussing world trauma. Please contact me if you have any further concerns or comments.

Nadia Lovett 
School Counsellor

Tagged in March, Year 11, Year 12, Harmony Day