Year 10 Students Prepare for Work Experience

Our Year 10 students have spent considerable time this semester preparing for their Week of Action in Week 10. Many have chosen to undertake a work experience placement whilst others have elected to complete a service learning experience. In preparation for this they have explored career interests using the website The Careers Department, bravely contacted different organisations to seek a placement, dealt with the disappointment of not securing the placement they wanted and been resilient when trying other places. As part of the Mentoring program students have completed a range of work, health and safety training to ensure they approach the workplace with an informed manner.
Cassie Mason, from Precision HR, conducted a workshop where she shared her career journey then explored with students what appropriate dress is for different workplaces, the importance of non-verbal communication and some tips to make the most of the work placement opportunity.
Students conducted worksite audits in small groups to consolidate their understanding of their rights and responsibilities in the workplace. Finally, they each met with their mentor to discuss specific hazards and mitigation strategies for their specific venue.
We look forward to hearing about their experiences next term.
Ann Rayson
Dean of Student Experience Year 10